About Woodworking Cafe
We make use of the warmth of wood to create products that gently connect wood and people.
Hosted by: Kouji Ishii
Our Activities
"Corobans", the leg strength training machine
At the Woodworking Cafe, we are currently producing a device called "Corobans"* to increase leg strength for the elderly and people with physical disabilities.
* Corobans is currently patent pending.
Differences from normal pedals
- The pedal angle is forced to change, allowing the ankle to move naturally
- The warmth of wood makes the soles of your feet comfortable
- Simple structure
Expanding users after field tests
Corobans is currently being used by local people on a trial basis. During the trial operation, we have received opinions from users such as usability, and we are proceeding with the effect measurement.
- Welfare facility in Arakawa Ward
- Elderly people and people with disabilities in the communities

How Corobans works
Here is a video of Corobans in its early stages of development. It's still look simple, but I think you'll get an idea of how Corobans works.
Corobans custom example 1: Modification for right-sided paraplegics

This is a custom version of Corobans with an assistive device for those who have difficulty controlling their right leg due to cerebral infarction and are partially paralyzed.
Not only for the elderly but also for people with disabilities, it has been recognized as a reliable muscle recovery effect.
If you are interested in our activities and/or products, please contact "Soil And Green" (土と緑) or qube cafe.